Most men who are at risk of suicide have never sought professional help. Many suicide prevention programs support people that have reached out for help, but they are not identifying and assisting the high-risk group of men who are too private or self-reliant to seek help. Sadly, the result is FATAL.
Suicide exists in the shadows of our society and will continue to claim lives if we continue to keep it a secret. We need to create societal change and break the stigma around suicide.
Dispelling the common misconceptions surrounding suicide and creating awareness around the devastating impact it has on our families and communities will drag it out of the shadows so it can be discussed and prevented.
To make a positive change in our communities, we must open up the topic of suicide and dispel the misconceptions surrounding it. We also need to change men’s attitudes around wellbeing and empower them to take control of their mental health and emotional wellbeing so they take action when they have concerns.